Thursday, December 10, 2009

FHA the New Subprime?

I could not believe after everything we have been through that the feeling is still that our industry has huge problems.

The Subprime Wolves Are Back

FHA-Backed Loans: The New Subprime

The same people whose reckless practices triggered the global financial crisis are onto a similar scheme that could cost taxpayers tons more

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Your 2010 Business Plan livng in Utah

It is that time of year again when many of you are working on you business plan for 2010. You may find it helpful to reviewing the states Economic Summary (this was just updated at the end of October) and the reports for the Short-run Economic Forecast

You can always find these links on my blog on the right hand side of the screen under helpful websites.

It looks like going forward that FHA, UT Housing and Rural Housing are going to continue to play a very important roll in mortgage lending."

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Inside the FHA Audit: the Disaster of Seller Financing

Inside the FHA Audit: the Disaster of Seller Financing
By Brian Collins

It was well known inside HUD that a special program where non-profit housing groups arranged downpayments for low-income homebuyers was bad news for the Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance fund. Department of Housing and Urban Development officials tried to stop the seller-funded downpayment program (SFDP) several times over the past decade — only to be blocked by the courts or supporters in Congress.

The homebuyer assistance program allowed sellers to fund the downpayment and then turn around and inflate the home price to recoup the expense. The seller also paid a fee to the non-profit for qualifying buyers and arranging the transactions. HUD saw it as a scam, though the downpayment assistance providers denied it.

It was well documented that buyers generally paid too much for the properties and ended up in high loan-to-value loans that were generally three times more likely to default than other FHA single-family loans.

And default they did. The latest FHA actuarial report calculates the damage SFDP inflicted on the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund in startling detail. If the government had never endorsed SFDP loans, the economic value of the MMIF would be $13.2 billion as of September 30 — instead of $3.6 billion — a difference of almost $10 billion. In other words, FHA would be in stronger financial shape today.

The government began insuring SFDP loans in 1998. Over the years the program grew steadily, accounting for nearly 20% of coverage from fiscal 2004 through fiscal 2008.

Congress finally banned seller-funded downpayments and FHA stopped insuring the loans on October 1, 2008.

"On the positive side, following the elimination of this type of high-risk loan…the performance of the FY 2009 and future FHA books of business will be much improved over what would have been case if these loans were still being endorsed in significant amounts," the actuarial report says.

The actuarial report also points out that credit scores on FHA single-family loans have improved recently. The average FICO score in September hit 689, up 10% from September 2007.

Lenders originated a record $328.1 billion in Federal Housing Administration loans in FY 2009 and 44% of the loans have FICO scores above 680 and only 13% have FICO scores below 620, which is generally considered subprime.

In FY 2007, when FHA endorsements totaled $55.5 billion, only 19% of the loans had FICO scores above 680 and 47% of the loans had FICO scores below 620.

"The improved credit quality of FHA's recent originations debunks the myth that FHA is being overrun by subprime loans," said Brian Chappelle, a mortgage banking consultant in Washington. The founding partner of Potomac Partners noted that loans with FICO scores above 680 perform four times better than loans with FICO scores below 620.

FHA still has $30.7 billion in reserves (and set asides of $27.1 billion) — but that's after auditors made a $4.9 billion positive adjustment in recognition of the improved credit quality for FHA's current originations.

"No one can dispute that FHA defaults are increasing. However, the cause is the worst housing market since the Great Depression and not that FHA is insuring poor quality loans," said Mr. Chappelle.

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

News from Freddie Mac Regarding Loan Prospector

I wanted to make you aware that there are some changes coming to LP (Loan Prospector). Please read the following:

On December 13, we’re updating Loan Prospector to align with previously announced underwriting and credit requirement changes. To help you identify these changes at origination, Loan Prospector will be updated with new and revised feedback messages to reflect:

• Revised underwriting requirements announced in our July 10 Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) Bulletin 2009-18.

• Revised credit and property eligibility requirement changes announced in August 20 Guide Bulletin 2009-22 and October 9 Guide Bulletin 2009-24.

We are also updating Loan Prospector to reflect the reduced maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratios for all cash-out refinance mortgages secured by 1-unit primary residences announced in the October 9 Guide Bulletin 2009-24.

New and Updated Feedback Messages to Support Revised Underwriting Requirements

On December 13, we are adding new and updated Loan Prospector feedback messages to provide you with additional guidance on our revised underwriting requirements announced in our July 10 Guide Bulletin 2009-18 for employment, income and assets. As announced in our October 9 Guide Bulletin 2009-24, these changes are effective for all mortgages with application dates on or after December 14, 2009, and Freddie Mac settlement dates on or after April 1, 2010.

Review the attached at-a-glance chart for the new and updated feedback messages, effective on December 14 for all Loan Prospector submissions, including new submissions and pipeline loans.

We encourage you to begin underwriting mortgages with the underwriting requirements announced in the HYPERLINK ""July 10 Guide Bulletin 2009-18 prior to the December 13 Loan Prospector release to strengthen your origination process and enhance the quality of mortgages you deliver to Freddie Mac. For assistance, please use the Loan Prospector Processing Reminders for Mortgages With Submission Dates Prior to December 14, 2009 tool. This tool provides the necessary information to apply the manual overlays and manage the existing Loan Prospector feedback messages.

New and Updated Feedback Messages to Reflect Recent Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide Changes

On December 13, we are also updating Loan Prospector with the following new and updated feedback messages to support credit and property eligibility requirement changes announced in the August 20 Guide Bulletin 2009-22 and October 9 Guide Bulletin 2009-24.

The new and revised feedback messages are effective for all new submissions and resubmissions on or after December 14, 2009.

Updating Loan Prospector to Align With Revised Loan-to-Value Ratios for Cash-Out Refinance Mortgages

In our October 9 Guide Bulletin 2009-24, we lowered the maximum loan-to-value (LTV) without and with secondary financing/total LTV (TLTV)/home equity line of credit TLTV (HTLTV) ratios for cash-out refinance mortgages secured by one-unit primary residences from 85%/80%/85%/85% to 80%/75%/80%/80%. This change is effective for mortgages with settlement dates on or after February 1, 2010.

On December 13, we will update Loan Prospector to align with the new ratios. On or after December 13, if you resubmit a cash-out refinance mortgage using the higher LTV ratio, you will receive the following purchase restriction message:

Message Code Feedback Message Purpose

PUR 25 LTV/TLTV exceeds product limits. Indicates the LTV/TLTV/HTLTV ratios exceed Freddie Mac’s limit on a 1-unit cash-out refinance.

You may disregard this message if the mortgage:

• Has a settlement date before February 1, 2010.

• Meets the LTV/TLTV/HTLTV ratios in effect prior to this date.

Please review the Guide section 23.4 for the maximum LTV/TLTV/HTLTV ratios for cash-out refinance mortgages with Freddie Mac settlement dates on or after February 1, 2010.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why use Utah Housing Loans for your borrower

Do you want to know more about Utah Housing? Utah Housing can be a different animal here are a few tips that might help you:
1-Utah housing does 30 year fixed loans 1st mortgage they also have a 2nd mortgage allowing a CLTV of 102.5%  (The second can be for 6% of the senior loan amount)
2-Utah Housing is for first time homebuyers, unless property is in a targeted area, a veteran or borrower is a single parent (Go to my blog to see target areas right hand side of screen)
3-Single Parent Set Aside Loans require recent signed tax return showing filing head of household with at least one dependent child
4-The borrower’s current Household income can not exceed posted income limits (You can go to my blog for this information
5-Current Acquisition cost cannot exceed FHA loan amount limits (go to my blog)
6-Property does not exceed ½ acre
7-Co-signors debt ratio (including Proposed housing expense)can not exceed 41%
8-Middle of 3 FICO 660 or above (middle of 3, lowest of 2). If borrower does not have any FICO Scores UHC will accept these loans as long as HUD guidelines are followed. Borrower is not renting any portion of the home and property does not have the ability to be rented (i.e. no second kitchen)
9-Subject property will not be used more than 15% of the residence for a business
10-PUD & Condo’s that are FHA/VA compliant are acceptable
11- Large deposits on bank statements must be address and documented from an acceptable source
12-All income must be counted in calculating max income even if the income does not qualify to be used as qualifying income to calculate debt ratio
13-Income must be projected out for the next 12 months.
14. All income for household members over 18 must be addressed an projected forward 12 months
and income documented
15. You must have a CURRENT paystub. Review the project paystub out for 12 months. If current income is more than previous income it must be within the income limits. The income should be calculated at time of application.
16-Bonus income/overtime, etc. has to be averaged over the past few months and projected forward 12 months (this is for the calculation to see if the exceed max income limits not for qualifying purposes). For qualifying pupose they must meet FHA and/or VA guidelines for overtime/bonus income.
17-The VOE must support paystubs
18-Application must show a least 2 year residency history and the credit report should not show any history of a mortgage loans
19-All employment on the application must be documented even if it is not being used to qualify (it will be used to see if the exceed the income limits for Utah Housing)
20-All self employed income requires a current Profit and Loss Statement dated at time of application, no matter when tax returns were or were not filed.
21-Paystubs must be dated within a couple of weeks of the initial application date
22- Refinances are not eligible, except for construction loans or similar temporary initial financing have a term of twenty four months or less.
23-You can use FHA or VA loans for Utah Housing
24-No cash back to borrower at closing (borrower can receive any funds paid upfront)
25-BOU requires and AUS approval. If DTI is over 45% even with the AUS approval you must document compensating factors for the borrower
Remember Bank of Utah will do Utah Housing Loans on our Wholesale side. 

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

FHA changes streamline guidelines

FHA recently changed the guidelines to do a Streamline Loan.  You can see more details on this by clicking on the FHA Menu.
What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama sigend the extension and expansion of the tax credit

Looks like President Obama signed the extension and expansion of the tax credit about an hour ago. Please find the below article from CNN Money below.

$8,000 homebuyers tax credit extended

President Obama reups popular tax credit through June 2010 and expands it to include people with higher incomes and some who want to trade up into new homes.

NEW YORK ( -- President Obama signed an extension and expansion of the first-time homebuyers tax credit on Friday.

The $8,000 credit was scheduled to lapse on Dec. 1 but will now be in effect through the end of June. Homebuyers must sign a contract before April 30 and close by June 30. The income limits were also raised: Single buyers can now earn up to $125,000 and still get the full credit while a married couple can earn $225,000.

The bill also made more homeowners eligible to claim the credit on their taxes. First-time buyers -- those who have not owned a home in the past three years -- still qualify for an $8,000 rebate. But now people who want to trade up can also qualify. Those who have owned and occupied a residence for at least five years out of the past eight can claim a $6,500 tax credit if they close on a purchase by the end of June.

"The new version of the tax credit has the potential to stimulate the housing market even more than the old version due to the fact that more people will qualify under the new rules," said Gibran Nicholas, chairman of the CMPS Institute, an organization that certifies mortgage bankers and brokers.

Who qualifies?

Nicholas provided four scenarios illustrating how the tax credit rules for existing homebuyers will apply:

• Harry owned a home in 2001 and 2002 but sold it to relocate for a job. He would qualify for the $8,000 first-time-buyer credit because he has not owned a home in the past three years.

• Sue purchased a home in 2004 and has lived there since. If she decides to buy a new home, she would qualify for the $6,500 tax credit because she has lived in the same residence for five consecutive years in the past eight.

• Jane purchased her home in 2002, lived there for five consecutive years before she rented it out in 2007. She would qualify because she was an owner/occupier for at least five consecutive years in the past eight.

• Mark purchased a home in 2006 and lived there for the past three years. He would not qualify because he is neither a first-time homebuyer nor someone who lived in the same primary residence for five consecutive years out of the past eight.

How it helps the economy

Legislators and industry experts expect that the credit will encourage buyers such as Jane and Sue to move up their purchase plans.

"This bill will shift demand from the second half of 2010 into the first half," said Pat Newport, a real estate analyst with IHS Global Research. "As a result, home sales and prices will get a boost in the first half of 2010, with payback in the second."

That's not a bad thing, according to Bill Kilmer, vice president of advocacy for the National Association of Home Builders. It's important to stabilize real estate markets quickly to help bring the economy out of its tailspin.

The original $8,000 tax credit appears to have helped accomplish that goal: Home prices have inched up the past few months, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index.

Would it have happened anyway?

But critics still see the program as being ineffectual because it rewards buyers who would have purchased a home anyway. Newport estimates that fewer than 400,000 of the 2 million who have claimed the original credit made their purchases solely because of the tax advantages.

Furthermore, buyers do not, in reality, receive the entire benefit. "The credit helped prices stabilize," said Newport. "So the credit has been split between seller and buyer. The sellers are getting higher prices and buyers paying more than they would have without it."

The housing industry, however, is pleased with the extension, although the credit has not been quite as effective as they hoped.

The industry thought the credit would provide a ripple effect, with sales to first timers triggering as many three additional "move-up" sales.

That did not happen, according to Lawrence Yun, NAR's chief economist.

"It did not have the chain reaction impact it was supposed to," he said. "Instead, many first-timers turned to vacant, foreclosed or other distressed properties the sellers of which were unlikely to be move-up buyers."

So, the tax credit helped prop up the low end of the market without having much impact on the rest of the spectrum. Expanding the benefit to existing homeowners should boost those segments. That should produce additional benefits, according to Yun.

"Preventing further price decline or even nudging prices up a bit stabilizes housing wealth, which makes homeowners more comfortable in their spending," said Yun. "They're more likely to go out to the stores or buy a new car. That provides a boost to the overall economy."

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, November 6, 2009

Extension of the Tax Credit

The Senate has approved extending the Tax Credit and has added a new provision that would allow non-first time homebuyers to get a claim for $6,500. The extension would run through June as long as there is a signed REPC by April.

At this point, the Senate is also trying to add some other provisions to the bill related to unemployment insurance and business loss tax credit. With that, it has to get approved by congress and then signed into law. The important thing here is that both the House and the Senate are in agreement on extending the Housing Tax Credit. So there is little doubt that it will get signed into law. However, IT IS NOT officially law just yet. 

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I will soon start posting again

My last day with my current employer will be this Wednesday. I will soon start posting again. Do you have any questions you would like me to address?

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HUD revises the 4155 and 4000

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
FHA announced last week the new online HUD Handbooks 4155.1, Mortgage Credit Analysis for Mortgage Insurance; and 4155.2, Lender’s Guide to Single Family Mortgage Insurance Processing. The online Handbook 4155.1 replaces Handbook 4155.1 REV-5, Mortgage Credit Analysis for Mortgage Insurance, One to Four Family Properties. The online Handbook 4155.2 replaces three handbooks 4000.2 REV-3, Mortgagees' Handbook, Application through Insurance; 4000.4 REV-1, Single Family Direct Endorsement Program; and 4165.1 REV-2, Endorsement for Insurance for Home Mortgage Programs (Single Family).

If they are true to their past history I am sure once we have read this there are numerous changes.

You can access it by Clicking here It is also a link on my FHA blog on the left hand side of the page

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, April 10, 2009

DU Refi Plus without Mortgage Insurance

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Fannie announces DU Refi Plus without Mortgage Insurance

Desktop Underwriter was updated last weekend to begin issuing DU Refi Plus findings for eligible Rate/Term Refinance transactions. The Loan Product Description, pricing and systems updates will be available Monday, April 6, 2009. We are not required to be the originator or servicer of the loan being refinanced.

Due to MI Company restrictions as well as operational concerns, the initial release of the DU Refi Plus product will allow only loans that do not require Mortgage Insurance. This includes loans with LTV >80% when there is not MI on the existing loan as well as loans with LTV <80%.>Following is a preview of the DU Refi Plus product:

LTV Matrix
1-4 unit Primary Residence, 2 unit Second Home, and 1-4 unit Investment Property transactions are allowed up to 105% LTV. See the Mortgage Insurance section below for more information.
Credit scores and ratios are determined by DU

Appraisal requirements will be determined by DU
Property Fieldwork Waivers may be allowed per DU findings

Condo project approvals are not required

Loan Amount
Conforming Generic and Conforming Plus loan amounts are allowed
The new Temporary 2009 loan limits will be available for this product. Details regarding new loan limits will be provided on Monday.
Loan amount may include:
Payoff of the unpaid principal balance of the existing first lien
Payment of closing costs, prepaids and discount points
Cash back to borrower not to exceed 2% of the new loan balance or $2,000

Mortgage Insurance
Refinance of existing loans with Mortgage Insurance is not allowed at this time

Ratios/Qualifying Rate
Ratios are determined by DU
Loans receiving Ineligible DU findings due to excessive expense (DTI) ratio are not allowed

Secondary Financing
New secondary financing is not allowed
Existing second liens must be re-subordinated
o CLTV/(H)CLTV restrictions do not apply

Approve/Eligible or Approve/Ineligible required
Expanded Approvals are not allowed
The following Ineligible findings are allowed until a subsequent DU update scheduled for May 2, 2009:
LTV/CLTV or (H)CLTV exceeds 80%
Minimum representative credit score is not met
Ineligible findings for loan amount are allowed until DU is updated. Loan amount must meet current published limits.
Documentation requirements will be determined by DU with a minimum of:
Salaried: One (1) paystub and a Verbal VOE
Commissioned/Self-Employed: Most recent Federal Tax Return
Payment history for any mortgage debt must be 0 x 60 for 12 months regardless of DU approval

DU Refi Plus without Mortgage Insurance
Only loans currently owned by Fannie Mae are eligible for the DU Refi Plus program:
The Fannie Mae website has a Look Up Table available to aid in determining if a loan is owned by Fannie Mae. A link to the Look Up Table has been added to the Refinance (Rate/Term) section of the Loan Product Description.
Only loans that do not require Mortgage Insurance are eligible for the initial release of DU Refi Plus:
DU will indicate if the loan currently has Mortgage Insurance by issuing the following feedback message:
“The existing Fannie Mae loan being refinanced with this DU Refi Plus transaction contains the following mortgage insurance (MI) information (Provider/Coverage/Cert Number)”
Refer to Mortgage Insurance section of the Loan Product Description for documentation requirements when DU indicates that mortgage insurance does not exist.
Clarification has been added to the Mortgage Insurance section indicating the methods available for determining if the existing loan had Lender Paid Mortgage Insurance.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Thursday, March 26, 2009

HUd issues new Mortgagee letter

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

Mortgagee letter 09-2009
SUBJECT: Adoption of Market Conditions Addendum (Fannie Mae Form 1004MC/Freddie Mac Form 71) and Appraisal Reporting Requirements for Properties located in Declining Markets

Currently, all Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Roster Appraisers are required to report on housing trends in the Neighborhood section of the applicable property specific appraisal reporting form. The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) mandate that an appraiser maintain documentation necessary to support all analyses, opinions and conclusions for each appraisal assignment in a work file. In order to ensure greater transparency and accuracy of appraisals performed for FHA-insured financing, FHA will adopt the Market Conditions Addendum (Fannie Mae Form 1004MC/ Freddie Mac Form 71, released November 2008). For all appraisals of properties that are to be security for FHA-insured mortgages and that are performed on or after April 1, 2009, the appraisal must include the Market Conditions Addendum…
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Utah Stimulus Package helps builders and homeowners

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
The Utah Stimulus bill will go into affect once the Governor signs it. I have a call into the Governors office to find out when that will take place. I know the last day for him to sign everything is April 1st. I hope this helps you.
Basic info: Income limits of 150,000 for a couple and 75,000 max for an individual. Must be a home that has never been lived in. Must be a 30 yr. fixed loan

Is this a sign things has bottomed out? Housing Starts Jump 22.2%

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

FHA issues new mortgagee letter limiting cash out to 85%

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

FHA issues a new mortgagee letter annoucing the new maximum cashout for refiances FHA loans is 85%. Go to

Monday, March 16, 2009

Utah Senate Okays bill to help home buyers

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Don’t forget March 18th we are offer a class for free CE credits.

This grant program is for any borrower who are within the income limits and is buying a home that has never been lived in before.

Utah Senate Okays bill to help home buyers

Don’t forget the green tomorrow!

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, March 6, 2009

Industry Letter from HUD; Finacial Stability

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

Making Home Affordable Plan:
Two weeks after the President unveiled his plan to help promote homeowner affordability, we are moving forward today with these guidelines to implement that plan," HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said. "This step forward represents a tremendous coordinated effort between major government and regulatory agencies to help bring relief to America's housing market and homeowners. This plan will help make home ownership more affordable for nine million American families and in doing so, help to stop the damaging impact that declining home prices have on all Americans. To Learn More About the Making Home Affordable Plan’s Refinance and Modification Options, Please visit:

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, February 27, 2009

Economy shrinks; Home Sales

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Economy Shrinks at Faster-Than-Expected 6.2% Pace -

New-Home Sales in U.S. Plunge to Record-Low 309,000 (Update1)

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

FHA Increases Loan limits

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
FHA Loan limits increase

All other counties would remain at the 271,050
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Monday, February 23, 2009

Freddie Mac sends out Industry letter

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
.Freddie Mac sent this industry letter out last week. I found the link very interesting
Today's News ...
Today, President Obama announced his Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan and referenced the role that Freddie Mac will fulfill in assisting borrowers through a new refinance initiative and a new loan modification program. We are pleased to support this initiative and look forward to working with the Administration.
We support this important effort and expanding our role in keeping families in their homes, strengthening communities, and bringing stability to the nation’s housing market. We are currently finalizing the program and operational details with the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Department of the Treasury and other industry participants. We plan to announce additional details of the initiative, including how customers servicing Freddie Mac-owned mortgages will participate, in early March.
At this time, the only publicly available information on the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan is posted on the Treasury Department’s Web site, We encourage you to review this preliminary information now, and anticipate the release of additional details in early March. In addition, it is important that you direct all consumer inquiries to this Web site for more information. Freddie Mac’s (800) FREDDIE call center will also direct consumers to this Web site until more information is available.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama;s Mortgage Plan; Good Economic News

What is happening today in mortgage lending:Investors Look to Obama Mortgage Plan -

ABC News: Some See Good Economic News on the Horizon

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Silver Bullet; Are DPA coming back

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Headlines that caught my eye this morning and the stories behind them.
Financial Crisis: "Silver Bullets" for Toxic Mortgages? - BusinessWeek
Down-payment aid program resurfacing - Los Angeles Times
Is Seller Paid Down Payment Assistance Coming Back?

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lenders dropping mortgage brokers

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Lenders dropping mortgage brokers - Feb. 12, 2009
I have had a few broker shops call concerned over the future of brokers. I thought you might be interested in some good advice I heard from someone who knows what the secondary and capital markets are doing. His advice was as follows; In order for brokers to survive from unnecessary actions to be taken by lenders make sure you have a good quality control plan in place. Don’t deliver loans that are not going to close and make sure they are well processed. Lock loans and don’t let them expire. Don’t churn your pipeline. These are things that Lenders are rating brokers on. I expect in the future the incentives to brokers from lenders are not going to come necessarily from the amount of loans you deliver as much as it will come from the quality of the loans a broker delivers.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Thursday, February 12, 2009

PMI no longer insureing TPO Loans

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

PMI will no longer insure TPO loans
Many lenders are currently deactivated brokers. The deactivation is due to lack of activity or high SBroker Scores. I will be notifying those managers of companies that have been deactivated. Once I notify the managers I will have to take those who are not approved with us off of my morning rate email distribution list. If the situation changes I will let those who are deactivated know and hopefully in the future we can work something out.
Remember watch your pipelines and do not let locks expire. Send loans in within 15 days of locking them. Try your best to make each deal you send in work, don't pull them and move them to other lenders. Your pull through rate affects your Smart Score.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

Effective February 11, 2009:

Their will be new adjustments to conforming rate sheet please notice change on rate sheet

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What is happening this week

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

What is going on this week?

Remember last day for Refinances to be submitted is Feb 11, 2009 if you want to insure you close them this month. Great news our underwriting turn times are 4 days! Check out our rates I think you will see where in the game again.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fannie reissues new policy on number of properties owned by one borrower

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Fannie issues a new bulletin
This Announcement contains updates and clarifications to several Fannie Mae policies as
Itemized below:
 Multiple mortgages to the same borrower. Currently Fannie allows 4 properties to be financed by the same borrower. Fannie Mae is modifying this policy to allow investor and second home borrowers to own five to ten financed properties if they meet certain eligibility and underwriting and delivery requirements as outlined in this Announcement. Read bulletin for complete details
 Reserve requirements for investment properties and second homes
 Definition of liquid financial reserves
 Multistate 1-4 Family Rider - Assignment of Rents (Forms 3170 and 3170.53)

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, February 6, 2009

Reasons to buy a house; Mortgage rates rise defying Feds

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

Check these articles out
Five reasons buying a house now is a wise move - MarketWatch

Mortgage rates rise, defying Fed's efforts to slash them Money & Company Los Angeles Times
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Home Starts, Builder hammer Senate

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
This is the headlines I found in this morning news that I thought you mind find of interest.
Home starts fall 39 percent in fourth quarter Chronicle - Houston Chronicle

Home builders hammer Senate about stimulus plan - News-

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Recap of changes in January

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Many lenders are no longer allowing a 15 or 30 day lock unless the file is in our office. A 15 day lock the loan must have an approval. Our rate sheet only shows 45 day locks. Call Jan for 15 and 30 day pricing.

Any loan locked must have been received in our office with 15 days of the lock or the lock will be cancelled.

Not delivering loans that are locked will affect your Brokers Score. Brokers with high Broker Scores will be cut off from doing business with your lender. Please keep your pipeline clean any loan up loaded into Pronto that is not delivered please remove them from your pipeline.

The broker can order the appraisal on FHA loans that require a 2nd appraisal for cash out above 85% currently a 2055 is acceptable but it must be done by an FHA approved appraiser.

Documents must be within 60 days of the final underwriter approval and with 120 days of closing. New construction must be within 180 days of closing.

FHA loans that the borrower or c borrower has a contingent c-signer debt will be counted against them even if the other party is making the payments if our borrower was the primary obligator on the contingent debt.

PIW are no longer acceptable however we will take the options provided by DU. If DU requires a 2075 (which shows no value) we will accept them.

All Refinance must be received by our office by Feb 11th in order to close by the end of the month.
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Monday, February 2, 2009


What is happening today in mortgage lending:
The Department of Work Force Service puts out a magazine 6 times a year. I always find it interesting. This issue I found the focus on What caused the finacial crises very interesting. They did a spotlight on Morgan county. I always like to look at the unemployment figures by county. I thought you might want to look this over

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, January 30, 2009

Policy of "Credit Easing" Works, Cramdowns and Appraisals

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

Here are a few articles I found interesting in my morning reading. Please always feel free to post your comments.
How Bernanke's Policy of 'Credit Easing' Works

Cramdowns and Refinancings Won't Need Appraisals

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Thursday, January 29, 2009

FHA has revied their loan calculation worksheets

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
FHA has revised their loan amount calculation worksheets. You can go to my blog and print off the Work Sheet 1 Rate and Term, Work Sheet 2 Cash out , Work Sheet 3 Streamline without an appraisal , Work sheet 4 Stream line with an appraisal as well as the Purchase work sheet

You can always find these work sheets in my FHA menu on my blog on the left hand side under forms.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Utah's Economic Forecast for 2009

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

We are now looking at the end of the first month of the year. We all have a lot of questions regarding what the future has in store. I thought you might be interested in looking at the Economic Forecast for 2009 I think there is some valuable information here.

Please if you have not sent in your Credit Authorization make sure you get it in today. If you do not have this signed by Friday you will no longer be able to do business with Met Life. You may email or fax to me.
Remember to check out my blog. I house all the information I send out in emails on this blog. I noticed that my FHA blog is getting a lot of hits a day. Check it out and see if it will help you close more loans. Notice our Conventional pricing!

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Monday, January 26, 2009

Brokers need to complete Credit Authorization to continue doing business with MET

What is happening today in mortgage lending:






Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

U.S. Yields Flattened: Fed Seeks Lower Mortgage Rate

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Headlines you maybe interested in
U.S. Yields Flattened; Fed Seeks Lower Mortgage Rates

Rate Probability: Sideways to Volatile

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Message from HUD

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Four Messages for FHA Lenders:

1. FHA Industry Call: Maximum Mortgage Calculation:

Wednesday, January 28th at 2 pm, FHA will provide a comprehensive review of the maximum mortgage calculation for all mortgage products, including purchase loans, all types of refinances, and 203(k). Materials will be provided the week of the call. The call-in number is 202-866-207-0413 and the ID number is 81608101.

2. 203(k) and Streamlined (k) Maximum Mortgage Calculation Clarification:

The new cash investment requirements for all FHA case numbers assigned on or after January 1, 2009 also applies to the calculation of the loan amount for Section 203(k) and Streamlined (k) loans. Until the new 203(k) Maximum Mortgage Worksheet, form HUD-92700 is posted, please use the following guidance to modify the existing worksheet. As stated in Mortgagee Letter 2008-23, the Loan-to-Value (LTV) for 203(k) loans may exceed 100% of the appraised value. Modifications have been made to the existing worksheet and will be posted upon completion of the clearance process.

“Form HUD-92700 203(k) and Streamlined (k) Maximum Mortgage Worksheet:

Mortgage Calculations for Purchase Transactions (Section C)

Line C1 stays the same

Line C2 stays the same

Line C3 stays the same

Line C4:

Mortgage Amount = Sum of C3 +(-) Required Adjustments (Note 4) ($__________)

LTV Factor (96.5%) (Owner-Occupant) or Less Allowable Down Payment/HUD Owned Property ($__________) (Note 5)

Line C5:

Statutory Investment Required (C3 x 3.5%)

Line C6:

Actual Cash Investment Required (C3 + A5 minus C4 ($__________) (This figure must be equal to or greater than C5; if less, an adjustment must be made to C4 to ensure a 3.5% investment
Mortgage Calculations for Refinance Transactions (Section D)

Line D1 stays the same

Line D2 stays the same

Line D3: D2 ($__________) x LTV Factor (97.75%) (Owner-Occupant)

Line D4: Maximum Mortgage Amount is the Lesser of D1 or D3 (Note 5)

Line D5 stays the same”

3. Clarification to Requirements of Mortgagee Letter 2008-40: Cash-Out Refinance Transactions:

On page 5, all of the requirements listed under the heading “Additional underwriting and eligibility criteria” are applicable to all cash-out refinance transactions where the LTV exceeds 85%.

4. Streamlined Refinance Transactions at 2008 Economic Stimulus Loan Limits:

FHA will permit loans originated under the 2008 loan limits to be refi-ed at mortgage amounts that exceed the current 2009 (and future) geographic loan limits. For streamlines with appraisals or full refinances, the mortgage amount may exceed the current geographic limit so long as:

the new loan amount (without MIP) does not exceed the prior case loan amount and
the new appraised value supports the loan amount and the LTV is not greater than 97.75%.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Friday, January 16, 2009

Things you may want to know before submitting a package

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
As of Jan 24th Du will be updated. The up date will now show the correct county limits. The update will also make it so a VA cash outloan with loan amounts over the $144,000 will not get an ineligible just because the loan amount is exceeded.

Non Traditional credit will now require that the credit bureau provide Names and address of the trade line being verified. As of Jan 1, 2009 credit reports are only good for 60 days up to final approval. If a loan was final approved with in the 60 days the loan must close and fund within 120 days of the credit report.

If the mortgage rate is lower on a transaction after the approval is issued and there is no other issues on the loan it does not have to go back through underwriting.

FHA loan with and without a DU or LP approval must have compensating factors if the DTI is over 43%

FHA transactions that require two appraisals one appraisal can be a 2055 exterior. We do allow a 5% variance between the two appraisals.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Appraisal changes May 1 2009

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
We have been waiting for the appraisal changes here they are. Freddie Mac HVCC Bulletin and FAQ:

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bond Report; Chase Exits wholesale; and more

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

Here are articles that I found interesting this morning during my morning reading and thought you might be interested

BOND REPORT: Treasurys Down After Bernanke Says Fed May Buy U.S. Debt

Chase Stops Funding Mortgages Through Brokers - Articles - On Wall Street

US FED: Rosengren Supports Expanded FHA Mortgage Lending -

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or www.dutips.blogspot.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act

What is happening today in mortgage lending: Three New Federal Register Notices:. I thought you would be particularly interested in this one.
[Docket No. FR-5271-N-01] [Federal Register: January 5, 2009 (Volume 74, Number 2)][Notices] [Page 312-313]
TITLE: S.A.F.E. (SAFE) Mortgage Licensing Act; Notification of Availability of Model Legislation
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces that the Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators have developed model legislation to assist states in meeting the minimum requirements of the SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act. HUD has reviewed this model legislation and finds that it meets the minimum requirements of the SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act. The model legislation is available on HUD's Web site at:, along with HUD commentary on certain provisions of the statute, and the model legislation…
to read this notice in its entirety please visit:

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years
Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or\

Monday, January 5, 2009

Don't forget changes in place as of Jan 1 2009

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

I was reviewing articles this morning and decided there are a few things that you should know that are not in any recent article.

1-All FHA loans that case number is ordered on or after Jan 1, 2009 the down payment requirement is now 3.5 for purchase transactions.

2-FHA Cash out refinances will now require two apprisals if ltv is over 85%

3-Rate and Term Refiances can now be 97.75% LTV plus the upfront MIP

4-Mtg Letter 08-40 now requires a borrower doing a cash out refinancing must have occupied the home for 12 months or more.

5-Mtg Leter 08-40 now requies a borrower doing a cash out refinancing must not have any lates in the last 12 months

4-Remember when doing a streamline refinance without an apprisal YOUR BASE LOAN AMOUNT CAN NOT EXCEED YOUR PREVIOUS LOAN AMOUNT (example if your old loan amount including MI was 101,500 your new base loan amount is 101,500 )

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or