Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Utah Stimulus Package helps builders and homeowners

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
The Utah Stimulus bill will go into affect once the Governor signs it. I have a call into the Governors office to find out when that will take place. I know the last day for him to sign everything is April 1st. I hope this helps you.
Basic info: Income limits of 150,000 for a couple and 75,000 max for an individual. Must be a home that has never been lived in. Must be a 30 yr. fixed loan

Is this a sign things has bottomed out? Housing Starts Jump 22.2%

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or

1 comment:

jredz52 said...

Great post... you should register an account at and post for more exposure.