Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fannie Mae has Preview version of Seller Guide; New idea on sharing equity for homebuyers and sellers

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Do you find at times your really would like to know what Fannie Mae Guidelines are vs. the Lenders? Fannie Mae just issued LL 03-08 Bulletin that allows you to view a preview version of “Fannie Mae’s Seller Guide”. Click on this link and it will take you to Allregs introductory page that allows you to view the current Seller Guide. If you don’t have time today I have added this link to my blog just click Conventional Menu and it is under favorite web sites on left hand side

Another thought on working around the tight market "REAP" the Benefits of Equity Sharing -- Buy, Sell and Profit from Previously Unsalable Homes
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: or www.dutips.blogspot.comem>

1 comment:

loan modification said...

Great post. Thanks also for sharing the links. You have a great blog.