Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time for the Fed to start manipulating mortgage rates? Don't forget Income waiver weeks from elimination

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

Time for the Fed to start manipulating mortgage rates? | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times

Don’t forget we only have a few weeks left before DU 7.1 and LP’s update will eliminate the ability for no income verification. If you have a loan in process that will be impacted by these changes get your loan in as soon as possible.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Monday, November 24, 2008

Fannie issues Bulletin; HUD Final Rule RESPA

> What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Freddie Mac issues Bulletin announces manual underwriters can not go over 45% DTI and more credit guidelines as well as introducing a new Appraisal form and more.

New HUD Final Rule:


24 CFR Parts 203 and 3500 [Docket No. FR–5180–F–03] RIN 2502–AI61

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA): Rule To Simplify and Improve the Process of Obtaining Mortgages and Reduce Consumer Settlement Costs
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule amends HUD’s regulations to further RESPA’s purposes by requiring more timely and effective disclosures related to mortgage settlement costs for federally related mortgage loans to consumers…
To read this final rule in its entirety please visit: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/pdf/E8-27070.pdf

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com/em>

Friday, November 21, 2008

More on Foreclosures and Modifications; What we need

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
At least during the Holiday season we can take a rest from the number of foreclosures 2008 Lender Announcements and Letters Lender Letter 04-08 Insurance for a temporary left on foreclosures and Evictions

HUD expands mortgage modification program - MarketWatch

News from our office
Please remember when sending you conditions in that we will not send a file back to underwriting unless all conditions are sent in at the same time. If you feel you need an exception to this please contact Jan or myself. By doing this it will cut back on the number of times a file has to go back to an underwriter and speed the process up.

Also remember that we need the following documents in order to submit your file the first time.
2-Addendum to 1003 page 1 and 2 for government loans
3 -1008/MCAW or VA Analysis Workseet
5-Income verification
6-Asset Verification
7-Credit Report
8-LDP/GSA Exclusionary List
9-Social Security Number
10-AUS Findings from DU or LP
11- Purchase/Sales Contract and addendums if applicable

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.co

Thursday, November 20, 2008

More on DU Version 7.1 and LP; Hope for Homeowners program improved

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Fannie will be up dating to DU Version 7.1 click and review the summary. Notice they say “The income and employment documentation requirements will be updated with DU Version 7.1. The following will be the minimum income/employment documentation levels issued by DU Version 7.1:"
Your income waiver will be going away. Remember Freddie Mac has also announced effective Dec 7 Accept Plus loans will be going away.

The Hope for Homeowners program has not taken off with Lenders. That may change HUD expands mortgage modification program New rules will lower payments, encourage more lenders to participate

Don’t forget the 2008 Temporary loan limits are going away. All loans must be locked and delivered to us by Nov 28th and closed and funded by Dec 15th.

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fannie Mae has Preview version of Seller Guide; New idea on sharing equity for homebuyers and sellers

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Do you find at times your really would like to know what Fannie Mae Guidelines are vs. the Lenders? Fannie Mae just issued LL 03-08 Bulletin that allows you to view a preview version of “Fannie Mae’s Seller Guide”. Click on this link and it will take you to Allregs introductory page that allows you to view the current Seller Guide. If you don’t have time today I have added this link to my blog just click Conventional Menu and it is under favorite web sites on left hand side

Another thought on working around the tight market "REAP" the Benefits of Equity Sharing -- Buy, Sell and Profit from Previously Unsalable Homes
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.comem>

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gift to Oil Industry; How to Help People whose Home values are down

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Gift to Oil Industry Rushed Into Federal Register Before Bush Leaves Office

How to Help People Whose Home Values Are Underwater

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Appraisal Form; Rates Sideways to lower

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Fannie Mae introduces a new form to go with the appraisal
Appraisal-Related Policy Changes and Clarifications Fannie Mae Announcement 08-20

Rate Probability: Sideway to Lower

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Friday, November 14, 2008

Disclosure Rule; FDIC Details Plan to Alter Mortgages

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Mortgage disclosure rule beefed up
FDIC Details Plan To Alter Mortgages

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

HUD Homes

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
With the market getting tighter the need to find a 100% loan is becoming increasingly harder to find. Don't forget HUD homes. The borrower finds a realtor that deals with HUD homes and makes a bid on a property that is owned by HUD. If the bid is accepted the down will be specified in the sales contract usually the down is $100, $500. If you want to know more go to

About Buying HUD Homes

Find a HUD Property
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Freddie Mac announces new Loan Limits for 2009; More help for struggleing homeowners

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
Citigroup offers up to $20B in mortgage relief

UPDATE 3-U.S. housing agencies to widen homeowner help

Ahead of the Bell: Mortgage hearing
From Freddie Mac

We are announcing that for 2009, we are maintaining the base conforming loan limits at the 2008 levels and increasing the conforming loan limits for certain high-cost areas based on the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) announcement on
November 7, 2008.

Base Conforming Loan Limits
The base conforming loan limits for 2009 will remain at the following current levels:
No. of Units Maximum Base Conforming Loan Limits for properties NOT located in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam & U.S. Virgin Islands Maximum Base Conforming Loan Limits for properties in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam & U.S. Virgin Islands
1 $417,000 $ 625,500
2 $533,850 $ 800,775
3 $645,300 $ 967,950
4 $801,950 $1,202,925
High-Cost Area Loan Limits
Last month we announced our requirements for the new higher loan limits in certain high-cost areas as set forth in the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA).
HERA raises the conforming loan limits in certain high-cost areas (where 115 percent of the area median house price exceeds the applicable base loan limit) to the lesser of 115 percent of the area median home price or 150 percent of the base conforming loan limits. We have termed mortgages that will be purchased under these higher limits as “super conforming” mortgages. Since the base conforming loan limit for one-unit properties remains at $417,000, the maximum conforming loan limit in designated high-cost areas is $625,500 for one-unit properties.
The maximum loan limits in designated high-cost areas for properties located in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are higher than the base of $625,500 for one-unit properties.
In all instances, the loan limits for 2- to 4-unit properties are also higher.
For purposes of determining these high-cost areas, FHFA used a nationwide set of county median home prices estimated by the Federal Housing Administration. Visit the FHFA site for details on the 2009 High-Cost Area Loan Limits and 2009 Loan Limits for All Counties.
Super Conforming Mortgages
All Seller/Servicers are eligible to deliver super conforming mortgages provided they comply with Chapter L33 of the Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide. Super conforming mortgages with note dates on and after October 1, 2008, are eligible for Freddie Mac settlements on and after January 2, 2009.
Effective January 2, 2009, we will purchase super conforming mortgages up to the following loan limits.
No. of Units 2009 Maximum Original Loan Amount for Super Conforming Mortgages*
1 $ 625,500
2 $ 800,775
3 $ 967,950
4 $1,202,925
*These are the maximum potential loan limits for designated high-cost areas. Actual loan limits for specific high-cost areas may be lower. In addition, the super conforming limits will be higher in certain high-cost areas in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Specific maximum LTV/TLTV/HTLTV limits are based on loan purpose, number of units, and occupancy. For designated high-cost areas where the maximum loan limit exceeds $625,500 for a one-unit property mortgage, the maximum LTV/TLTV/HTLTV ratio is 80 percent. Additional details will be communicated in an upcoming Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide Bulletin. For more information visit our Super Conforming Mortgages Web page.
Operational Impacts
Because the 2009 base conforming loan limits are unchanged from 2008, you can deliver mortgages that are within the base conforming loan limits, with no changes to your operational procedures or processes, including Loan Prospector® assessment and commitment and delivery.
We are in the process of updating Loan Prospector and the selling system to accommodate super conforming mortgages and will provide you additional details about those changes soon.

FHLMC and FNMA loan limits for next year
1 unit 2 unit 3 unit 4 unit
Beaver County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Box Elder County 14940 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Cache County 30860 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Carbon County 39220 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Daggett County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Davis County 36260 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Duchesne County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Emery County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Garfield County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Grand County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Iron County 16260 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Juab County 39340 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Kane County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Millard County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Morgan County 36260 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Piute County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Rich County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Salt Lake County 41620 UT $600,300 $768,500 $928,950 $1,154,450
San Juan County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Sanpete County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Sevier County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Summit County 41620 UT $600,300 $768,500 $928,950 $1,154,450
Tooele County 41620 UT $600,300 $768,500 $928,950 $1,154,450
Uintah County 46860 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Utah County 39340 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Wasatch County 25720 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Washington County 41100 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Wayne County 99999 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950
Weber County 36260 UT $417,000 $533,850 $645,300 $801,950

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Monday, November 10, 2008

FHA announces 2009 Loan Limits

What is happening today in mortgage lending:

FHA issues Mortgagee Letter 08-36 announces 2009 Loan Limits

Attachment I -- FHA Loan Limits for Areas AT CEILING AND ABOVE

Attachment II -- FHA Loan Limits for Areas BETWEEN CEILING AND FLOOR

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Goverment's mortgage relief program gets few takers; In Modeling Risk, the Human Factor

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
We now have the elections behind us. Let’s hope that we can get a greater focus on fixing the country’s economic problems.
Have you been wondering about FHA’s Hope for Homeowners this article will give you some insight Government's mortgage relief program gets few takers - Los Angeles Times
I found this article interesting In Modeling Risk, the Human Factor Was Left Out - NYTimes.com

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

What is happening today in mortgage lending:
The Press Association: More mortgage rate cuts forecast

How the Fed's lower rate affects consumers - Business - Belleville News Democrat

Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to: www.naultfhatips.blogspot.com or www.dutips.blogspot.com